The Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System is a deterministic, distributed-parameter, physical process based modeling system used to evaluate the response of various combinations of climate and land use on streamflow and general watershed hydrology. Response to normal and extreme rainfall and snowmelt can be simulated to evaluate changes in water-balance relations, streamflow regimes, soil-moisture relations, and groundwater recharge. Each… Read More →
Coupled Groundwater and Surface Water Flow model (GSFLOW)
GSFLOW was developed to simulate coupled groundwater/surface-water flow in one or more watersheds by simultaneously simulating flow across the land surface, within subsurface saturated and unsaturated materials, and within streams and lakes. Climate data consisting of measured or estimated precipitation, air temperature, and solar radiation, as well as groundwater stresses (such as withdrawals) and boundary… Read More →
Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model is a cropping systems model that was developed to estimate soil productivity as affected by erosion as part of the Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act analysis for 1985. EPIC simulates approximately eighty crops with one crop growth model using unique parameter values for each crop. It predicts effects… Read More →
Soil and Water Assessment Tool
The Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a small watershed to river basin-scale model used to simulate the quality and quantity of surface and ground water and predict the environmental impact of land use, land management practices, and climate change. SWAT is widely used in assessing soil erosion prevention and control, non-point source pollution… Read More →
Regional Hydroclimate Model (RegHCM)
RegHCM is a physically-based, distributed, regional scale, fully-coupled atmospheric-hydrologic model. The model is used to simulate coupled atmospheric-land hydrologic processes in time and space continuously at climatic scales (10s – 100s of years) for the quantitative assessment of water balances under changing climatic conditions and land surface conditions over continental, country and watershed domains in terms of precipitation,… Read More →
Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)
SWMM is a physically-based, distributed, unsteady, continuous urban stormwater runoff quantity and quality model. The model is used in (i) designing and sizing drainage system components, including detention facilities; (ii) to generate non-point source pollutant loadings for TMDL studies; (iii) to evaluate BMP and LID stormwater controls to meet sustainability goals; – (iv) to alleviate… Read More →
WISTOO is an Integral distributed mathematical model used for (1) runoff hydrograph simulation at arbitrary valley cross-section, (2) spatial visualization of hydrological processes and (3) determination of influence of water reservoirs on runoff hydrograph from watershed. It is an Integral distributed model based on hydrodynamic equations describing processes: infiltration, surface runoff, subsurface runoff and water transformation in river network…. Read More →
CASC2D (CASCade of planes, 2-Dimensional)
CASC2D is a square-grid (raster) hydrologic model that solves the equations of transport of mass, energy, and momentum between model grid cells using a finite difference formulation. The model can be used in the simulation of spatially-varied Hortonian watershed hydrology and erosion/sediment transport. CASC2D can be run in a single-event mode, or in continuous mode. Continuous simulations can be run for… Read More →
Bochum Water Balance Model (BWBM)
BWBM is a spatially distributed continuous soil moisture accounting and precipitation/snow-melt runoff simulation model. The model is intended for mesoscale (approx. 100-10000 sqkm) watersheds. The model continuously simulates stream flow and all components of the water balance on a spatially distributed basis at a daily time step. Model Description: BOCHUM.pdf Contact: or ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ArcGMO is a deterministic 3D-catchment, multilayer model used to predict components of the water budget in small and large watersheds . The model uses digital maps for describing the spatial characteristics of the research area (elevation, aspect, slope, soil, land use/land cover, groundwater depth) and time series of precipitation, air temperature, air humidity, global radiation or sun duration and wind… Read More →