UCODE_2005 and six post-processors are included in this distribution. These programs can be used with existing process models to perform sensitivity analysis, data needs assessment, calibration, prediction, and uncertainty analysis. Any process model or set of models can be used; the only requirements are that models have numerical (ASCII or text only) input and output files, that the… Read More →
Multi-Model Analysis (MMA)
The Multi-Model Analysis (MMA) computer code can be used to evaluate results from alternative models of a single system using the same set of observations for all models. As long as the observations, the observation weighting, and system being represented are the same, the models can differ in nearly any way imaginable. For example, they may include different processes,… Read More →
MODSIM is a comprehensive, generalized river basin management decision support system (DSS) under continuous development and enhancement since 1979 at Colorado State University. MODSIM is designed to be flexible and robust, allowing a wide range of analyses from short-term daily operations requiring hydrologic flow routing to long-term monthly river basin planning and management. MODSIM is capable of modeling large-scale river basin… Read More →
RiverWare® is a general river and reservoir modeling tool for operational scheduling and forecasting, planning, policy evaluation, and other operational analysis and decision processes. RiverWare has the capability to model: (1) Hydrology and hydrologic processes of reservoirs, river reaches, diversions, distribution canals, consumptive uses, shallow groundwater interaction and conjunctive use; (2) Hydropower production and energy uses; and (3) Water rights, water ownership,… Read More →
The Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP)
The WRAP modeling system simulates water resources development, management, regulation, and use in a river basin or multiple-basin region under a priority-based water allocation system. The model facilitates assessments of hydrologic and institutional water availability and reliability in satisfying requirements for municipal, industrial, and agricultural water supply, hydroelectric energy generation, environmental instream flows, and reservoir storage. In WRAP terminology, water… Read More →
Diffusion Analogy Flow Model (DAFLOW)
The model provides a time series of discharge, flow area, top width, and tributary inflow at node points along a system of one-dimensional open channels. The time series of hydraulic variables can be used as input hydraulics by a transport model, such as the BLTM water quality model. The model is designed to operate with a minimum of… Read More →
MOdel for Urban SEwers (MOUSE)
MOUSE is a comprehensive modeling system for analysis of urban drainage and sewer systems including links to GIS. MOUSE simulates spatial variations in flows, water levels, sediment transport and pollution in pipes and open drains. MOUSE can be used for the prediction of hydraulic deficiencies, overflow sites, flood inundation areas, effect of real-time control, etc. MOUSE engine is used in… Read More →
Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM)
The purpose of the Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM) is to simulate a relationship between streamflow and physical habitat for various life stages of a species of fish or a recreational activity. The basic objective of physical habitat simulation is to obtain a representation of the physical stream so that the stream may be linked,… Read More →
Hydraulic Models
Hydraulic models are mathematical models of a fluid flow system such as a water system, a sewer system, or a storm system, and are used to analyze systems’ hydraulic behavior. Hydraulic models illustrate the effects of changing demand and climactic conditions on water distribution and wastewater collection systems – predicting pressures and identifying bottlenecks – and… Read More →
Water Quality Models
Water Quality Models included in this inventory are generally used in the prediction of water pollution using mathematical simulation techniques. In most cases, these models simulate runoff or streamflow and calculate the position and fate of water quality parameters. Some models described hereafter are for individual components of the hydrological system such as runoff; others are basin-wide models… Read More →