The Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP)
The WRAP modeling system simulates water resources development, management, regulation, and use in a river basin or multiple-basin region under a priority-based water allocation system. The model facilitates assessments of hydrologic and institutional water availability and reliability in satisfying requirements for municipal, industrial, and agricultural water supply, hydroelectric energy generation, environmental instream flows, and reservoir storage. In WRAP terminology, water use requirements, water control infrastructure, and reservoir/river system operating strategies are called water rights. Basin-wide impacts of water resources development projects and management practices are modeled. Earlier versions of WRAP were designed specifically for water availability and reliability analyses based on the results of a simulation using a monthly computational time step. The 2010 version also includes daily time step modeling capabilities that include flow forecasting, flow routing methods, disaggregation of monthly naturalized flows to daily flows, and simulation of flood control reservoir system operations. Salinity simulation capabilities have also been recently added.
Model overview: WRAP.pdf. Website: https://ceprofs.civil.tamu.edu/rwurbs/wrap.htm
RiverWare® is a general river and reservoir modeling tool for operational scheduling and forecasting, planning, policy evaluation, and other operational analysis and decision processes. RiverWare has the capability to model: (1) Hydrology and hydrologic processes of reservoirs, river reaches, diversions, distribution canals, consumptive uses, shallow groundwater interaction and conjunctive use; (2) Hydropower production and energy uses; and (3) Water rights, water ownership, and water accounting transactions.
Model overview: RiverWare.pdf. Website: http://www.riverware.org/
MODSIM is a comprehensive, generalized river basin management decision support system (DSS) under continuous development and enhancement since 1979 at Colorado State University. MODSIM is designed to be flexible and robust, allowing a wide range of analyses from short-term daily operations requiring hydrologic flow routing to long-term monthly river basin planning and management. MODSIM is capable of modeling large-scale river basin systems by employing an efficient minimum cost network flow optimization algorithm for simulating allocation of water according to water rights, storage ownership contracts, interstate compacts, and economic valuation. An important objective in MODSIM development has been to provide an easy-to-use modeling platform for decision makers and managers by incorporating a powerful graphical user interface for network creation, data import and editing, and georeferenced graphical output results. MODSIM is capable of simulating stream-aquifer interactions for conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater. MODSIM software development under the MS .NET Framework enables extensive customization capabilities, allowing MODSIM to be integrated with water quality models such as QUAL2E and numerical groundwater flow models such as MODFLOW, as well as incorporation of complex operating rules and regulations.
Model overview: MODSIM.pdf. Website: http://modsim.engr.colostate.edu/index.shtml