SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) is a watershed modeling technique for relating water-quality measurements made at a network of monitoring stations to attributes of the watersheds such as contaminant sources and environmental factors that affect rates of delivery to streams and in-stream processing. The core of the model consists of a nonlinear regression… Read More →
Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST)
The Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST) is a decision support tool that facilitates integrated water management at the local or small watershed scale. WMOST models the environmental effects and costs of management decisions in a watershed context that is, accounting for the direct and indirect effects of decisions. WMOST is intended to be a screening… Read More →
Modelling of Carbon Storage using the InVEST model: A step by step guide.
Modelling of Carbon Storage and sequestration using the InVEST model: A step by step guide for the Little River Watershed, Brazos River Basin, Texas. Download link: Carbon Storage modeling_A step by step guide.pdf
QUAL2K is a Microsoft Windows based application for river and stream water quality modeling. QUAL2K is an updated version of QUAL2E with improvements in model segmentation, forms of carbonaceous BOD evaluated, particulate organic matter simulation, anoxia and denitrification modeling, sediment-water dissolved oxygen and nutrient fluxes, explicit simulation of attached bottom algae, light extinction calculation, enhanced… Read More →
EPANET was developed as a tool for understanding the movement and fate of drinking water constituents within distribution systems, and can be used for many different kinds of applications in distribution systems analysis. EPANET can be used to design and size new water infrastructure, retrofit existing aging infrastructure, optimize operations of tanks and pumps, reduce energy… Read More →
Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS)
The Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System is a deterministic, distributed-parameter, physical process based modeling system used to evaluate the response of various combinations of climate and land use on streamflow and general watershed hydrology. Response to normal and extreme rainfall and snowmelt can be simulated to evaluate changes in water-balance relations, streamflow regimes, soil-moisture relations, and groundwater recharge. Each… Read More →
Coupled Groundwater and Surface Water Flow model (GSFLOW)
GSFLOW was developed to simulate coupled groundwater/surface-water flow in one or more watersheds by simultaneously simulating flow across the land surface, within subsurface saturated and unsaturated materials, and within streams and lakes. Climate data consisting of measured or estimated precipitation, air temperature, and solar radiation, as well as groundwater stresses (such as withdrawals) and boundary… Read More →
MIKE BASIN is a general multi-purpose river network model for river basin management and planning. The model uses ArcView GIS as Graphical User Interface, and fully utilizing a number of GIS procedures, including catchment delineation etc. The purpose of MIKE BASIN is the simulation of natural inflows, multiple multipurpose reservoir operation and water right allocation in river basins based… Read More →
Water Resource Integrated Modeling System
Water Resource Integrated Modeling System (WRIMS model engine or WRIMS) (formally named CALSIM) is a generalized water resources modeling system for evaluating operational alternatives of large, complex river basins. WRIMS integrates a simulation language for flexible operational criteria specification, a linear programming solver for efficient water allocation decisions, and graphics capabilities for ease of use…. Read More →
History of Water law and management in Texas
Water has been a cherished, regulated resource in Texas from the 1600’s when Texas was under the Spanish rule. Water law in Texas began early in Texas history, when the San Antonio area was first settled by the Spanish. Spanish law determined that the rights to surface water from creeks, rivers, and lakes were riparian: that… Read More →